
Showing posts from May, 2020

how it's really like being an only child

Hey, it's me again. Tbh I don't really care if anybody would read this, I just want to get these feelings n thoughts out there. People say that only child is spoiled because they got both of their parent's love, and they don't have to share with their siblings. well, I'm an only child, and it doesn't always feel like that. I'm not THAT spoiled (I think). well... what it's really like being an only child is that u have to get used to being alone. U have to learn how to entertain urself, and u may have to learn to get through ur personal issues alone. And yes, yes ik that I'm not alone but I'd rather go through some things alone and not be a burden to anyone else, not even to my closest friends. And I feel like the only person that can understand me perfectly in this world is myself. I know myself best. I also think that making peace w/ urself is really important. And it's really important as well to be ur own no. 1 supporter. That way when