
Showing posts from March, 2020

a poem about E X P E C T A T I O N S

expectations   04/03/20 They don't know what it's like, always threatened by a spike. To act a certain way, sometimes overly cliche. Always have to pay, like I'm capable of it. There are many grays, and not only a bit. I'm tired of these expectations I'm tired of these protests, my failed creations, even though I try my best. All they do is complain, don't care about sympathy nor empathy. They don't know about my hidden pain, nor the pressure that I gain. But in the end, we have to keep running,  to not give up, to k eep trying.  And we need to know when to rest, just know that you tried your best. Welp here's another attempt of me writing a poem. This is a poem I wrote weeks ago, thought I'd share it here. Well now that I read it, it kinda sounds like I'm overreacting, but that just how I feel at the time. And that's all for today, hope u doin' foine in quarantine. Remember, if ur bored u can always read

a p o e m about CORONAVIRUS heehee

c0r0n4 Spent all of our time inside, all-day Doin' whatever we like our way Not much to do but just lay around The families are all bound All of us are at home, browsin' through google chrome Typin' on the web, searchin' for our favorite celeb Well the internet It makes us forget, about the time passin' by It makes the clock say "bye-bye" But hey, let's not waste this opportunity to work on what's inside and not outside, while we wait for immunity Our hope and prayers are all out there. There are sorrow and fear everywhere I try not to get drowned, because of all these emotions that surround My heart goes to the medic team out there, they help to fight this virus that's everywhere. To us, let's stay at home, it's the safest in our dome. But remember to be productive it's important to stay active. I'm sure this will pass, we will all come out in one piece. But until then hold on to your online

Intro (ish) pt. 2

hellaw, it's me again, Lle. Ik no one would probably read this (bcs no one red my first post) but Imma just keep on writing cuz IDC. So if u know what's prob ably the worlds' biggest problem rn, yess it's da CORONAVIRUS also known as the COVID-19 . This virus isn't exactly new it's similar to the MERS & SARS that had happened in the past but still, this virus is really dangerous bcz it's contagious, it spreads really quick & the percentage of being cured is very little. But above these "terrifying" facts I'm actually  not that scared abt this "thing" bcz I feel like it's a normal thing. I mean things like this happens, like the SARS & MERS I mentioned earlier, andd, of course, the deadly plague that kills thousands in the past, so it's actually normal and not that scary to me. I mean maybe this is Gods' way of dealing with overpopulation :v, annual way ya know. I mean it makes sense right? Yup, I thought s