a poem about E X P E C T A T I O N S
expectations 04/03/20 They don't know what it's like, always threatened by a spike. To act a certain way, sometimes overly cliche. Always have to pay, like I'm capable of it. There are many grays, and not only a bit. I'm tired of these expectations I'm tired of these protests, my failed creations, even though I try my best. All they do is complain, don't care about sympathy nor empathy. They don't know about my hidden pain, nor the pressure that I gain. But in the end, we have to keep running, to not give up, to k eep trying. And we need to know when to rest, just know that you tried your best. Welp here's another attempt of me writing a poem. This is a poem I wrote weeks ago, thought I'd share it here. Well now that I read it, it kinda sounds like I'm overreacting, but that just how I feel at the time. And that's all for today, hope u doin' foine in quarantine. Remember, if ur bored u can always read