Intro (ish) pt. 2

it's me again, Lle. Ik no one would probably read this (bcs no one red my first post) but Imma just keep on writing cuz IDC.

So if u know what's probably the worlds' biggest problem rn, yess it's da CORONAVIRUS also known as the COVID-19. This virus isn't exactly new it's similar to the MERS & SARS that had happened in the past but still, this virus is really dangerous bcz it's contagious, it spreads really quick & the percentage of being cured is very little. But above these "terrifying" facts I'm actually not that scared abt this "thing" bcz I feel like it's a normal thing. I mean things like this happens, like the SARS & MERS I mentioned earlier, andd, of course, the deadly plague that kills thousands in the past, so it's actually normal and not that scary to me. I mean maybe this is Gods' way of dealing with overpopulation :v, annual way ya know. I mean it makes sense right? Yup, I thought so.

Anndd this virus cause us to be quarantined for weeks, or even months. When the government announced that all the schools had to be closed for 2 weeks, of course, I & my friends are happy. But then I heard that we have to stay home for over 3 months forward. I mean whatt. 

Well I'm already 7 days in and I definitely don't hate it. For someone like me who doesn't really like crowds and socializing that much would find this isn't very hard. All I did so far is play guitar, draw, read, de-clutter, and watch netflix all day. And o yea I had online school. It wasn't as much fun as a real class in school tho, the joke doesn't really felt real in sum way. And I kinda miss chatting w/ my classmates in class. But at least this way no one could easily cheat off me anymore, they had to actually ask me through whatsapp and finally I've got to finally explain the answers instead of just showing it.

Well let's get to the point of this writing. Well my weird brain here have an interesting opinion/conspiracy or whatever I'm abt to write here. So yea bcz of this we've got to stay home and we can't really go out. Yes, it gets pretty boring. Yes, it's horrible. But think abt it, what's God want us to go through. Maybe He just want us to spend more time with our family at home. Maybe he just wants us to focus on ourself instead of the outside world that we can't control. Maybe that's what Gods' focus is on, and not on the actual disease. He's just tired of seeing us being too dependant with the outside world, yet our own world is not all straight. Maybe He just wants us to focus on what's inside and not outside. 

Maybe, just maybe after all of this is over and we got to come outside again, maybe a few family connections that were once lost are restored. Our homes & houses would be de-cluttered, and hopefully our mindset as well. Ya know just maybe. There ya go my brainfart. Ik it's kinda long but that's just how my crazy thoughts go.

That's all for tonight and stay h e a l t h y ya'll! 


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