a poem about E X P E C T A T I O N S


They don't know what it's like,
always threatened by a spike.
To act a certain way,
sometimes overly cliche.

Always have to pay,
like I'm capable of it.
There are many grays,
and not only a bit.

I'm tired of these expectations
I'm tired of these protests,
my failed creations,
even though I try my best.

All they do is complain,
don't care about sympathy nor empathy.
They don't know about my hidden pain,
nor the pressure that I gain.

But in the end, we have to keep running, 
to not give up, to keep trying. 
And we need to know when to rest,
just know that you tried your best.

Welp here's another attempt of me writing a poem. This is a poem I wrote weeks ago, thought I'd share it here. Well now that I read it, it kinda sounds like I'm overreacting, but that just how I feel at the time. And that's all for today, hope u doin' foine in quarantine. Remember, if ur bored u can always read my blogs ;) see ya !

- Lle


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